Monday, October 1, 2018

🔆Harvest & Halloween 2018 Deco Inspiration

Join our circle of friends and enjoy the wicked fun!

Images via

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

🔆Σκόρπιες Σκέψεις

Να θυμάσαι...

Ευτυχισμένη ζωή συνιστά το σύνολο πολλών μικρών στιγμών κατά τις οποίες νοιώσαμε να κατέχουμε την ευτυχία και μία προς μία συνθέτουν το δικό μας μοναδικό μωσαικό.

Ευτυχισμένη στιγμή είναι μια ηλιόλουστη ημέρα με φίλους, λιάζοντας την ψυχή σου ή τον καημό σου τρώγοντας και πίνοντας. Ίσως τελικά να είναι πιο ευτυχισμένος κάποιος στο μικρόκοσμο του.

Ανησυχίες, προβληματισμοί, υπέρμετρες φιλοδοξίες ή επιθυμίες, περιέργεια για τα άγνωστα του κόσμου μας κάνουν είλωτες στην συνεχή αναζήτηση τους και τελικά όσο περισσότερο γνωρίζεις πράγματα τόσο πιο δύσκολο είναι να βρεις την ευτυχία, έννοια αόριστη και άπιαστη που ξεγλιστρά σαν άμμος στα δάκτυλα μας και μας κοροιδεύει.

Ευτυχία, αέναη κίνηση στο χρόνο και στο χώρο διάσπαρτη απο μυρωδιές, γεύσεις, αγγίγματα, ματιές, ψιθύρους και αισθήματα.

Ακόμα και τα μελανά χρώματα είναι απαραίτητα στη ζωή μας για να εκτιμήσουμε τα ζωηρά πολύχρωμα που θα ακολουθήσουν!

Να σχολιάζεις, να κριτικάρεις καλοπροαίρετα, να παλεύεις, να απογοητεύεσαι και να ξαναστέκεσαι στα πόδια σου.

Να μην διστάζεις να πεις πράγματα με το όνομα τους.

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Sunday, September 30, 2018

🔆Aster Cucine | Italian Kitchen Furniture

Skilled techniques in kitchen furniture manufacturing that creates a stunning design aesthetic. 

Available at and a number of stores around the world.
Authorized dealer for Greece

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

Atlas of Style Collective

🔆Black & Purple Kitchen Fall Inspiration

Atlas of Style Collective

Beautiful Kitchenware!

Image Credits: @deathcandy

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

🔆Five Things to Remember on your Birthday! (For my Daughter)

Five Things to Remember on your Birthday!

Atlas of Style Collective

1-Be Bold

Embrace failure as much as success. Try new things. Get messy and live. Speak up even when you think your answer isn’t 100 per cent correct or you might not be completely ready for an opportunity–in life, in love, and in your career.

2-Be Inquisitive

Find your superpower. Figure out what you like, what you are good at and improve your craft. But also, learn and expand your mind in different areas. Stay well rounded.

3-Be Connected

Your web of friends and family enriches your life. Connect with those around you and stay connected. Life is busy, friends help you focus on you, identify as a person and family can help you remember you are loved and cherished. Keep them close. It’s important.

4-Be Positive

Your outlook determines the life you live. Train your brain to think positively. See the world through rose-coloured glasses. Exercise and take care of you. A positive outlook attracts the right people and experiences in life. Work at it.

5-Be Kind

Listen! You have the capabilities and strengths that others don’t, and others have the capabilities and strengths you don’t. We are all in this together. Try to help people less fortunate than you are. You’ll enhance your life and do some good. Stick up for people and don’t stand by if someone is hurting someone else. Embrace differences.

Finally, life is a gift and the way we engage with the world and ourselves has a lot to do with our attitude.

Trust your inner compass to guide you. Keep your head high and always know you have the right to dream.

You are deeply loved!

Happy Birthday!   

🔆Matters of the Heart!

"Put your hand on your heart, the old man said, inside you, there is a power, there are ideas, thoughts that no one has ever thought of, there is the strength to love, purely and intensely, there is the power to make people happy, to make people laugh.
It's full of compliments and the power to change lives and futures.

Don't forget that power, and don't ever give up on it!"

~ Atticus